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In accordance with our long-time strategic plan, ABC MA has launched Building Mass Careers (BMC), a 501(c)3 charitable organization, to formalize our workforce development program and help provide member companies with the qualified workers we all so desperately need.

Fatalities that are tied to work zones are edging up nationally, prompting policymakers and construction industry employers alike to act, not just to promote awareness of the risks but to institute improved controls to abate them.

Associated Builders and Contractors’ Construction Backlog Indicator remained unchanged at 8.9 months in May, according to an ABC member survey conducted May 20 to June 7. The reading is 0.1 months lower than in May 2022.

Previously I wrote that my priority as ABC MA chair was to help member companies succeed just like earlier generations at our chapter helped me. This month, I’m pleased to offer an example of that help: our chapter’s new Member Success Kit. Just click on the link to find a concise guide to all the ways ABC and our Chapter can help your company.

Massachusetts General Law Chapters 93A and 176D, long a compelling and formidable mechanism for consumers, has been extended beyond its usual confines to become a further source of consternation in the insurance industry. The Consumer Protection Act and the Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices in the Business of Insurance are dual sides of the same coin, often acting as the other’s counterpart when allegations of deceptive practices arise in the context of trade. A recent ruling by the Massachusetts Appellate Court affirms the influence of these two laws.

Few in construction would dispute that the eight million people the industry employes nationwide are our most valuable asset. These men and women use tools every day. In May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month, we focus on making sure they have the tools they need for suicide prevention and to enhance their mental health.

Imagine you receive an email from a known creditor containing an invoice for an account payable. The email contains instructions for you to pay the invoice through an accredited clearing house (ACH). The email further contains the creditor’s bank account information for depositing the ACH payment. You pay the invoice by depositing the ACH payment as instructed in the email.

According to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of 2022 state union membership data published recently by, at least 9 out of 10 construction workers in private industry do not belong to a union in 26 states, up from 24 states in 2021. Nationwide, a record 88.3% of construction workers do not belong to a union, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, up from 87.4% in 2021.

WASHINGTON, April 11—Associated Builders and Contractors reported today that its Construction Backlog Indicator declined to 8.7 months in March, according to an ABC member survey conducted March 20 to April 3. The reading is 0.4 months higher than in March 2022.

Rarely does a day go by in which the leaders of ABC MA companies don’t strategize about how to find and retain the qualified workers we need to meet the demand for our services. Meeting the challenge will require us to broaden our search for talent.